Donate to Voix Ayiti

Voix Ayiti must continue growing in order to let the voice of the people stand out. We ask for your support to purchase camera equipment and tools to bring these voices to life. Every cent donated will go directly into Haiti, and under the scope of Voix Ayiti. By contributing, you can help establish Voix Ayiti as a journalstic entity capable of paying Haitian writers and photographers for their content. As we grow, our readers will grow with us. Every dollar counts, as we are currently a very small operation just finding it's wings to launch.

To support the arts, visit (See Haiti) and purchase original Haitian artwork. Your money will go directly to the artist, and the more we sell, the more we we will make.

You may reach me, Daniel, at (352) 874-6315 if you have any questions or would like to donate physical supplies or help us in other ways. Thank you!